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Tagungsthema: History of Vocational Education and Training (VET): Cases, Concepts, and Challenges. International Research Conference.
Weitere Informationen: http://www.ife.uzh.ch/weiterbildungundveranstaltun gen/veranstaltungen/vethistory.html   
Durchführende Institution: University of Zurich in cooperation with the University of Potsdam
Tagungsbeginn: 08. 09. 2014 09:00:00
Tagungsende: 09. 09. 2014 18:00:00
Tagungsort: Zürich
Veranstaltungsstätte: Universität Zürich; Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft; Freiestrasse 36; 8032 Zürich
E-mail des Anprechpartners: vethistory@ife.uzh.ch

The Chair for Vocational Education and Training and Teacher Training of the University of Zurich, Prof. Philipp Gonon, in cooperation with the Chair for Theory and Research in Education of the University of Potsdam, Dr. Esther Berner, invite contributions to their historical international research conference, which will address the following topics:
- Cases which stress specific developments or problems of VET in a certain country or region;

- Concepts which are discussing theoretical approaches towards this phenomenon;

- Challenges which are contextualizing the historical perspective in a topical policy context.

The conference will take place in Zurich, Switzerland in cooperation with the University of Potsdam.

Schlagwörter: Bildungsgeschichte; Tagung; Berufsbildung
Erfassungsdatum: 25. 11. 2013
Korrekturdatum: 11. 07. 2014