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Tagungsthema: 11th Standing International Conference on the History of Adult Education
Weitere Informationen: http://www.andragogy.net
Durchführende Institution: ESVA und Prof. Dr. Jost Reischmann, Lehrstuhl Andragogik, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Tagungsbeginn: 27. 09. 2006 12:00:00
Tagungsende: 01. 10. 2006
Tagungsort: Bamberg
Veranstaltungsstätte: Marcushaus, Markusplatz 3, D - 96047 Bamberg
Anprechpartner: Dipl.-Kffr. Samira Saadallah; Lehrstuhl Andragogik; Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Markusplatz 3; D - 96047 Bamberg Germany
E-mail des Anprechpartners: samira.saadallah@ppp.uni-bamberg.de
Tagungsankündigung: Diese Konferenz lädt alle Kollegen, Experten, Forscher und Praktiker zu einem aktiven Wissensaustausch zum Werdegang eines Adult Educators herzlich ein. Die Registrierung sowie Informationen im Web.
# ow did important (historic) personalities / individuals ``became adult educators``? # Volunteers, ``Moonlighters``, moral leaders, knowledge-experts, (semi-)professionals - historic examples and developments. # In which different ways in different times/countries/cultures one became an ``Adult Educator``? # Are there / had there been different types / categories of adult educators? # What are the knowledge / the competencies / the attitudes expected from adult educators in different historic and contemporary movements / institutions / traditions? # What are individual growth- and learning processes adult educators go through? # What training schemes are available? # Certification of adult educators? # Is an adult educator a teacher? - Professional roles of adult educators.
Information and registraition in the Web.
Schlagwörter: Konferenz; Erwachsenenbildung; Internationaler Vergleich; Andragogik; Bildungsforschung; Bildungsgeschichte; Erwachsenenbildung
Erfassungsdatum: 02. 03. 2006
Korrekturdatum: 30. 05. 2006