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Tagungsthema: International Standing Conference for the History of Education - ISCHE XXV
Durchführende Institution: Faculdade de Educacao Universidade de Sao Paulo
Tagungsbeginn: 16. 07. 2003
Tagungsende: 19. 07. 2003
Tagungsort: Sao Paulo
Tagungsankündigung: International Standing Conference for the
History of Education
Faculdade de Educaçao da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educaçao July 16-19 2003

School and Modernity
Knowledges, Institutions and Practices

Conference Location
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Modernity corresponds, in very general terms, to the historical period
when the European expansion defined the limits of the contemporary
world. However, this world implies some ambiguity, due to its use to
refer distinct realities and temporalities. There is the modernity of
the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries, that is built over the structures of
the medieval world to finally aim and accomplish the destruction of its
last traces, impelled for vigorous movements in the economic, social,
political and intellectual fields. In terms of education, it refers to
the moment of the first attempts to systematize pedagogical proposals
and models; the construction of new school models and the formulation,
at the end of the XVIII century, of the need to organize national
educational systems. However, there is also another modernity that
effectively constitutes the contemporary world such as we see it today.
This idea of modernity is linked to the idea of modernization, impelled
by the vertiginous changes in the universe of production and in the
world of ideas and changes that constitute the most evident face of XIX
and XX centuries. As it refers to education, this period corresponds to
the moment of the spreading of the school scope and the implementation
of the public school systems, in an attempt to accomplish the old
promise of ``school for everybody``.

The papers must be organized according to the following themes:

Conference Themes

1) Modernity and the processes of school institutionalization
School, civility and religions
School, State and citizenship

2) The international circulation of pedagogical knowledge and models
Pedagogical models and processes of school institutionalization
School practices and pedagogical knowledge
Historical-comparative perspectives in educational studies

3) The school as an historical object
Sources and methods
Culture and school cultures
Tempos, spaces and school objects
Students, teachers and the study of school life

The ISCHE XXV will include 3 Conferences, as well as the paper
presentations organized in parallel sessions. Exhibitions, cultural and
social activities will be offered to the participants and their

Conference languages
The main languages will be English and Portuguese. Papers in French,
Spanish and German will also be accepted.

Proposals for Papers
The abstracts must contain a maximum of 500 words, in English, French,
German, Spanish or Portuguese/English, in a floppy disk or sent by
e-mail. The deadline for mailing the abstracts is 31st December 2002.
The complete papers (with a limit of 5000 words) will be received up to
30th April 2003. The abstracts will be printed in the Conference
booklet. A selection of papers will be published in the Paedagogica
Historica Supplementary Series.

The registration fee is 250 American dollars and includes: participation
in the general meeting and parallel sessions, Conference Booklet and
other documents, a special number of Paedagogica Historica
Supplementary Series, attendance to the social and cultural program,
coffee breaks, lunchs and a welcome reception.

The value of the registration for companions is 200 American dollars and
includes: participation in the social and cultural programming, coffee
breaks and lunch, as well as a welcome reception.

Participation in the Fraternization dinner costs 30 American dollars.

Conference location and dates

The ISCHE XXV will take place in Sao Paulo, sponsored by the Education
College, University of Sao Paulo and the Brazilian Society of History
of Education.
The Congress will be held at Mackenzie University, which is one of the
oldest educational institutions of the city, located in a great block
limited for the Rua da Consolaçao (Consolaçao Street), Rua Itambé
(Itambé Street), Rua Maria Antônia (Maria Antônia Street) and Rua Piaui
(Piaui Street), in the traditional area of Higienópolis. This quarter is
a calm, residential place and counts with good quality basic facilities
(malls, restaurants, security and medical aid).
We will offer transportation from the airport to the hotels on the first
day of the Congress, July 16th in the afternoon the closure of the event
will be on the 19th of July.

Conference Secretary Office
Faculdade de Educaçao Universidade de Sao Paulo
Av. da Universidade, 308 05508-900 Sao Paulo SP Brasil
Telephone: (5511) 3091 3574
E-mail: ische25@fe.usp.br
Site: http://www.ische25.fe.usp.br

The registration form and the fee payment options will be available on
the website of the
Congress on September 1st, 2002.

Website of the ISCHE:

Links about Sao Paulo city:

Erfassungsdatum: 20. 11. 2002
Korrekturdatum: 28. 03. 2006