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Tagungsthema: Pragmatismus im Fadenkreuz der Modernisierung - Kontexte, Kritiken, Konzepte
Durchführende Institution: Institut für Historische Bildungsforschung Pestalozzianum der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zürich, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Zürich; Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft der Universität Bern
Tagungsbeginn: 07. 09. 2008 16:00:00
Tagungsende: 12. 09. 2008 12:00:00
Tagungsort: Monte Verità, Ascona (Tessin)
Veranstaltungsstätte: Centro Stefano Franscini, http://www.csf.ethz.ch/index_DE
Anprechpartner: Universität Zürich, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schlag
E-mail des Anprechpartners: Thomas.Schlag@access.unizh.ch
Tagungsankündigung: Pragmatism as a certain paradigm of philosophy and approach to modernity and modernization receives growing interest and attention within the european scientific discourse of pedagogy, religious pedagogy and political education. An enlarging reception of authors as Charles S. Peirce, George H. Mead, William James, John Dewey or Ferdinand C.S. Schiller can be noticed and observed. On the other side, the reception of these authors, their works and theoretical concepts often lacks adequate and differentiated approach and is rather selective in the sense that certain elements of theory are used to legitimate specific arguments within the present pedagogical debate. Therefore the conference will - in a first section - reread and restudy the arguments and results of the contemporary debates on pragmatism in the United States, England and Central Europe. Therein the analyses and reflections shall be concentrated on the question how the authors named above dealt systematically with processes and challenges of modernization within their time and their scientific and institutional networks. For a better understanding it seems to be important to - in a second section - integrate several critical perspectives of the pragmatic paradigm. Therefore authors like Emile Durkheim, Josiah Royce or Walter Lippmann and their critical arguments will be rediscovered and restudied. In conclusion of these analyses - in a third section - it shall be discovered und discussed how the pragmatic analyses and answers on processes of modernization can be of actual significance. In this sense the purpose of the conference is to intensify the scientific and interdisciplinary exchange on pragmatism in the light of the general question, if and how this specific approach to modernity, modernization and the modern subject can be of relevance and significance for modern and reality-based forms of education in school and society.
Schlagwörter: Pragmatismus, Demokratie, Theologie/Religion, Modernisierung
Erfassungsdatum: 07. 01. 2008
Korrekturdatum: 07. 01. 2008